중국 자동차 시장 진출 기업에 대한 사례 연구
- Alternative Title
- A Case Study on Companies Entering the Chinese Automobile Market
- Abstract
- Since the Industrial Revolution, the world has become a competition for various industries. Among them, the automobile industry has become a major industry around the world, and it is contributing greatly to the globalization of the global economy through synergy with related industries.
With the spread of free trade flows such as GATT and WTO, globalization is being promoted around the world, and industries that require various accessories and processes such as raw materials, accessories, and semi-finished products, such as the automobile industry, are specialized in the global trade market. Accordingly, major automobile companies around the world have established and implemented various management strategies to enter overseas markets, and as a result, brands from various countries have to compete fiercely for market share in major markets around the world.
In recent years, global automakers have seen China as the world's most potential car market and have tried to enter the Chinese market in various ways. At the same time as establishing a Chinese localization system, it is making great efforts to develop locally specialized products and enhance the brand of global automobile companies based on this. In particular, after these global automakers analyzed that "the Chinese auto parts market has very high value and potential," the FDI investment craze erupted, and many global parts companies actively participated in the Chinese market, including factories and R&D centers.
The Chinese automobile industry has a huge demand market and a very favorable foreign investment policy. In particular, after joining the Chinese WTO, the auto market also emerged as a competition place for global brands as market opening progressed step by step, and as a result, Korea's leading automobile brands Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors also entered the Chinese market.
Unfortunately, Korean car brands entering the Chinese market are experiencing both success and failure in the market. With the opening of the market, many global automakers entered the Chinese market and engaged in fierce competition, and Korean automobile brands had a relative lack of market research, resulting in disappointing results. However, it is expected that there are still opportunities in the Chinese market because the strengths of Korean automobile brands are also clear. To this end, we would like to select representative companies competing in the Chinese market, conduct a case analysis, and derive an effective strategy for entering the Chinese market based on this. Although a number of studies have been conducted on the Chinese automobile industry, studies that have compared and analyzed Korean brands and overseas brands at the same time are considered to be somewhat insufficient, so we would like to conduct research based on this.
- Author(s)
- 왕묘흠
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Awarded Date
- 2023-08
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/common/orgView/000000011420
- Alternative Author(s)
- Wang Miaoxin
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Department
- 대학원 무역학과
- Advisor
- 허윤석
- Table Of Contents
- 제 1 장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 및 필요성 1
제2절 연구의 구성 및 방법 3
제 2 장 이론적 배경 및 선행연구 4
제1절 자동차 산업에 대한 정의 4
제2절 자동차 산업의 특징 6
제3절 이론적 고찰 8
1. 해외시장 진입 전략 8
1) 수출입 방식 8
2) 라이센싱 방식 9
3) FDI 9
2. 현지화 전략 11
제4절 선행연구 13
제 3 장 자동차 산업 현황 17
제1절 세계 자동차 산업 현황 17
1. 한국의 자동차 산업 현황 20
2. 미국의 자동차 산업 현황 21
3. 독일의 자동차 산업 현황 23
4. 일본의 자동차 산업 현황 26
제2절 중국 자동차 산업 발전과정 및 현황 29
1. 중국 자동차 산업 발전과정 29
2. 중국 자동차 산업 현황 31
제 4 장 중국 시장 진출 사례 분석 34
제1절 현대자동차 34
1. 현대자동차 기업 소개 34
2. 현대자동차 중국 진출 과정 35
3. 현대자동차 중국 시장 진출 사례 41
4. 시사점 45
제2절 기아자동차 47
1. 기아자동차 기업 소개 47
2. 기아자동차 중국 진출 과정 48
3. 기아자동차 중국 시장 진출 사례 50
4. 시사점 54
제3절 메르세데스-벤츠 56
1. 메르세데스-벤츠 기업 소개 56
2. 메르세데스-벤츠의 중국 진출 과정 57
3. 메르세데스-벤츠 중국 시장 진출 사례 59
4. 시사점 64
제4절 중국 시장 진출 사례 시사점 66
제 5 장 중국 자동차 시장 진출 전략 70
제1절 제품 현지화 전략 70
제2절 고객 서비스 현지화 전략 71
제3절 기술 현지화 전략 74
제 6 장 결론 77
참고문헌 80
외국문헌 80
국내문헌 81
Website 83
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 왕묘흠. (2023). 중국 자동차 시장 진출 기업에 대한 사례 연구.
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