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한국 화장품 기업의 중국 시장 진출 전략에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Korean Cosmetics Company's Strategy to Enter the Chinese Market
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the entry of South Korean cosmetics companies into the Chinese market, focusing on the background, strategies, challenges, and future prospects. The study specifically explores key areas such as market positioning, consumer needs, brand image building, marketing strategies, and sales channel deployment in China, aiming to offer in-depth insights and practical advice for the sustainable development and growth of South Korean cosmetics companies in the Chinese market.
Firstly, the paper highlights the significance and potential of South Korean cosmetics companies entering the Chinese market. With China's rapid economic growth and increasing consumer demand for personalized, high-quality cosmetics, China has become one of the key markets globally for the cosmetics industry.
Then, the paper provides detailed analyses of three successful South Korean cosmetics brands - Sulwhasoo and Whoo. These case studies demonstrate how to achieve success in the Chinese market through precise market positioning, innovative marketing strategies, and effective distribution networks. The paper conducts a SWOT analysis to systematically explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of South Korean cosmetics companies, offering profound market insights.
The paper particularly emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to Chinese consumer needs. This includes a deep understanding of the beauty perceptions, buying habits, and cultural characteristics of consumers in different regions of China. It also discusses how to meet these needs through product innovation and marketing strategies, such as social media marketing and collaborations with well-known KOLs and celebrities, to enhance brand awareness and attractiveness in the Chinese market.
The importance of brand image building is also explored, especially how to strengthen the connection between the brand and consumers through integrated online and offline marketing strategies. This includes establishing and maintaining strong online sales channels in the Chinese market, such as e-commerce platforms, as well as offline physical stores and counters, to provide real product experiences and professional consultation.
Finally, the paper summarizes the main conclusions and strategic recommendations of the study, emphasizing the key elements needed for long-term success of South Korean cosmetics companies in the Chinese market, such as a deep understanding and respect for Chinese culture, adapting to changing consumer demands, building strong brand recognition, and implementing effective marketing strategies. The paper also points out the limitations of the research and directions for future research, such as the need for more in-depth study of the behaviors and psychological motivations of specific consumer groups, and attention to technological innovations and emerging trends in the industry.
In summary, this paper provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis for the strategic decision-making of South Korean cosmetics companies in the Chinese market, offering new perspectives and theoretical support not only for the South Korean cosmetics industry but also for the academic community and related industries in the Chinese market.
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Alternative Author(s)
Zheng Junning
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 무역학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구 방법 및 구성 6
제 2 장 이론적 배경 8
제1절 화장품 산업의 정의 및 특성 8
1. 화장품의 정의 8
2. 화장품의 종류 8
3. 화장품산업의 정의 8
4. 화장품산업의 특성 9
제2절 세계 화장품 시장 현황 10
제3절 한국 화장품 시장 현황 13
제4절 해외시장 진출 동기 및 유형 16
제 3 장 중국 화장품 시장 21
제1절 중국 화장품 산업의 발전 현황 21
제2절 중국 화장품 시장 현황 28
제3절 중국 화장품 시장 시사점 33
제 4 장 한국 화장품 기업의 중국 진출 사례 분석 41
제1절 설화수(Sulwhasoo) 41
제2절 후(Whoo) 49
제3절 사례 분석에 대한 시사점 56
1. 문화적 차이 56
2. 소비자 니즈(needs) 57
3. 브랜드 인지도 58
4. 온오프라인 채널 배치 59
제 5 장 한국 화장품 기업의 중국 시장 경쟁력 제고 전략 61
1. 중국 문화의 이해 61
2. 소비자 니즈(needs) 파악 62
3. 브랜드 인지도의 확대 63
4. 마케팅 및 유통 전략 64
제 6 장 결 론 68
제1절 요약 및 결론 68
제2절 연구의 향후 전망 70
참고문헌 71
Abstract 75
제주대학교 대학원
정준영. (2024). 한국 화장품 기업의 중국 시장 진출 전략에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > International Trade
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  • Embargo2024-02-12
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