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앵커지지 흙막이벽의 측방토압 적용에 관한 연구

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Recently, along with the continued economic development and industrial advancement, population concentration problems in urban areas appears to be gradually worsening. However, compared to population concentration in urban areas, available land continues to decrease, resulting in social problems such as rising land prices.
Therefore, numerous researchers have paid attention to 'utilizing underground spaces' such as underground parking lots and underground residential spaces as an alternative for efficient use of land in urban areas, However, the construction of such underground structures poses the other social problems such as noise, vibration, and balance and change of existing structures.
When excavation work is carried out in urban areas close to surrounding structures and underground facilities, and the deformation of the retaining wall becomes large, the strength of the ground decreases, causing problems with the stability of the excavation ground. It also has a significant impact on the surrounding ground, so deformation due to (settlements) of the underlying ground and cracks or collapse accidents in adjacent structures often occur during construction. These accidents not only cause enormous damage to property, but in severe cases, they can become large-scale accidents that result in casualties.
When conducting underground excavation work, temporary earth retaining structures are installed to prevent the inflow of soil and groundwater from the surrounding ground and to protect adjacent structures. One of the most important factors in designing earth retaining structures installed on the excavation surface is the lateral earth pressure acting on the structure. However, the lateral earth pressure acting on the retaining structure is determined by the deformation of the retaining wall and the interaction between the retaining wall and the ground. Therefore, it is affected by various factors such as ground conditions, excavation depth, wall rigidity, restraint conditions, and construction method. It is difficult to accurately calculate lateral earth pressure.
Recently, in Korea, there has been an increase in the number of cases of conducting construction management through on-site measurements to investigate the deformation behavior of retaining walls and back ground due to excavation, but objective indicators for conducting reasonable construction management during excavation work are not sufficient. so there is still research gap to determine the deformation of the retaining wall or the stability of the ground behind the excavation using field measurements.
Therefore, in this study, the another collected and accumulated on-site measurement data according to the installation of anchor-supported retaining structures, focusing on excavation sites in Jeju Island, which have different geological characteristics from inland areas.
The lateral earth pressure distribution acting on retaining walls, are caculated using Rankin, Terzaghi-Peck and Tschebotarioff models which can be used to improve the existing design in the future. This study was conducted to enable a rational and economical approach to design.
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제주대학교 대학원
대학원 토목해양공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구 배경 및 목적 1
2. 연구 동향 2
3. 연구 방법 8
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 수치해석 모델 10
1. 굴착에 따른 흙막이벽체의 거동이론 10
2. 흙막이 벽체의 변위 특성 11
3. 흙막이 벽체의 해석법 13
Ⅲ. 현장조건과 계측 16
1. 현장개요 16
2. 현장계측 20
3. 현장계측 결과 21
4. 수평변위 예측 및 비교 25
Ⅳ. 결론 47
참고문헌 49
제주대학교 대학원
황기현. (2024). 앵커지지 흙막이벽의 측방토압 적용에 관한 연구.
Appears in Collections:
General Graduate School > Civil and Ocean Engineering
공개 및 라이선스
  • 공개 구분공개
  • 엠바고2024-02-12
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