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제주방문 중국인 관광객의 쇼핑동기와 만족에 관한 연구

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A Study on Tourist's Shopping Motivation and Satisfaction
Shopping is considered the main travel motivation and tourist attraction itself in tourism destination. Since shopping is the most effective way of experiencing the real lifestyle of local community, it cannot be a complete trip without spending their time on shopping.
Also, shopping takes up a considerable part of host community economy of tourism destination. Particularly, tourism in Jeju is the key industry and foreign tourist expenditures on shopping in Jeju is the important source of foreign currency revenue in the regional economy.
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in shopping motivation and shopping satisfaction by demographic and travel characteristics and the relationship between shopping motivation and shopping satisfaction of Chinese tourists in Jeju. To accomplish the purpose of the study, theoretical reviews and empirical analysis were jointly carried out. For the empirical survey, the survey was conducted by 4 Chinese surveyors who were trained for its purpose and process in Jeju International Airport from Mar. 7 to 21 in 2009. Data collection was performed as the subject of Chinese tourists departing Jeju after travel. Traditional souvenirs were given to respondents to raise the loyalty of the response rate and the contents. Total 300 questionnaires were distributed to Chinese tourists and collected 294 samples. Finally, 253 samples were used for the statistical analysis. In the statistical analysis, frequent analysis, factor analysis, T-test, ANOVA(Analysis of Variance) and K-mean cluster analysis were used.
The results of hypothesis test of this study can be summarized as followed.
First, there were partially significant differences in shopping motivation by demographic feature(age, marital status, educational background, occupation) of Chinese tourists.
Second, there were significant differences in shopping motivation by travel characteristics(the purpose of the travel, the period of travel, the frequency of visit, travel company) of Chinese tourists.
Third, there were significant differences in shopping satisfaction by demographic feature(sex, age, educational level) of Chinese tourists.
Forth, there were significant differences in shopping satisfaction by travel characteristics(the purpose of the travel, the period of travel, travel expenses) of Chinese tourists.
Finally, there were significant differences in shopping satisfaction by shopping motivation of Chinese tourists in Jeju.
The result of this study implicate that marketers need to consider shopping motivation and satisfaction for mapping customer-oriented strategy for tourism shopping of tourism destination. Also, marketers need to consider various behavioral characteristics related to purchase of foreign tourists in Jeju to have better understanding on shopping behaviors.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2009. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Su Ping
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1

1. 문제의 제기 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구의 방법과 범위 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 7

1. 관광과 쇼핑 7
1) 관광과 쇼핑 7
2) 관광쇼핑의 특성 9
3) 관광쇼핑의 유형 10
2. 관광쇼핑동기와 만족 13
1) 관광쇼핑동기의 개념과 유형 13
2) 쇼핑만족의 개념 및 속성 19
3) 관광쇼핑동기와 만족 간의 관계 및 측정 22
3. 중국인들의 해외관광과 쇼핑특성 30
1) 해외관광행동의 일반적 특성 30
2) 방한 중국인 관광객들의 쇼핑특성 35
3) 제주방문 중국인 관광객들의 쇼핑특성 39
4. 선행연구의 검토 40
1) 방한 중국인 관광객의 쇼핑행동 40
2) 방한 중국인 관광객의 쇼핑동기 43
3) 방한 중국인 관광객의 쇼핑만족 45

Ⅲ. 연구설계 47

1. 연구모형과 가설의 설정 47
1) 연구모형 47
2) 연구가설 48
3) 변수의 조작적 정의 48
2. 조사설계 48
1) 설문지 구성과 측정 49
2) 자료 수집 방법 50
3) 분석방법 50

Ⅳ. 분석결과 51

1. 표본의 특성 51
1) 인구통계학적 특성 51
2) 여행특성 52
3) 쇼핑특성 53
4) 재방문 의도 및 추천 의도 54
2. 신뢰성 및 타당성 검증 55
1) 쇼핑동기 55
2) 쇼핑만족 58
3. 연구가설의 검증 59
4. 분석결과의 요약 69

Ⅴ. 결 론 73

1. 연구의 결과 및 시사점 73
2. 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구방향 75
참고문헌 77
설문 조사서 84
Abstract 90
제주대학교 대학원
소평. (2009). 제주방문 중국인 관광객의 쇼핑동기와 만족에 관한 연구
Appears in Collections:
General Graduate School > Tourism Management
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  • 공개 구분공개
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