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한우 체외 수정란 발육 및 초자화 동결시 α-Tocopherol 첨가효과에 대한 硏究

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This study was undertaken to find if supplementation of vitamin E in culture medium could ameliorate the developmental competence of preimplantation Hanwoo embryos. Methods α-tocopherol was supplemented in maturation / embryo culture medium at concentrations of 0, 100, 200 and 400 µM. The developmental competence of Hanwoo embryos were assessed by observing the cleavage, blastocyst rate, total cell number and cell count after vitrification. Cleavage rate from July to October compared to the results, α-tocopherol 200 µM supplemented with α-tocopherol 200 µM treatment groups and was higher than the other treatments that had no significant effect in maturation medium. In the blastocyst rate of August to October, α-tocopherol in embryo culture medium. Treatment groups containing α-tocopherol 200 µM 38.60±7.12% were significantly higher(p<0.05) than control and other treatments. Before and After vitrification of the total cell numbers in treated α-tocopherol 200 μM, 115.80±6.61, 106.33±3.50, respectively, and control cells was higher than the other treatment groups. According to monthly, the blastocyst rate and the freezing of embryos in the total cell number that July to August was significantly higher(p<0.05) than September to October. These results suggest that the addition of antioxidants in vitro bovine embryo production and cryopreservation may be beneficial in the future to identify and freeze the other way as antioxidants to improve the quality looks to be able to produce embryos.
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Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Jin-Woo
대학원 동물자원과학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1

Ⅱ. 연구사 4

Ⅲ. 재료 및 방법 11
1. α-Tocopherol 첨가에 의한 체외수정란 생산 11
1) 난포란의 채취 11
2) 난포란의 체외성숙 11
3) 난포란의 체외수정 12
4) 체외 수정란의 체외배양 12
5) α-Tocopherol 첨가 배양 13

2. 초자화 동결 및 융해 14
1) 수정란의 초자화 동결 14
2) 동결된 수정란의 융해 14

3. 동결 전․후 체외 수정란의 세포수 조사 15

4. 통계분석 16
Ⅳ. 결과 및 고찰 17
1. α-Tocopherol 첨가에 따른 분할율 17
2. α-Tocopherol 첨가에 따른 배반포 발달율 21
3. α-Tocopherol 첨가에 따른 총 세포수 23
4. α-Tocopherol 첨가에 따른 초자화 동결·융해 후 총세포수 25

Ⅴ. 요 약 28


참고문헌 30
제주대학교 대학원
[1]정진우, “한우 체외 수정란 발육 및 초자화 동결시 α-Tocopherol 첨가효과에 대한 硏究,” 제주대학교 대학원, 2011.
Appears in Collections:
Faculty of Biotechnology > Animal Biotechnology
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  • 공개 구분공개
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