사회복지사의 관계규범이 신뢰, 관계결속, 관계자산, 조직성과에 미치는 영향
- Alternative Title
- The Effect of social worker's relationship norm on trust, relational Bond, relational assets, organizational performance
- Abstract
- This study was tried to finding out that analyzing the main cause of relations between social workers and network organizations of community welfare, relationship norm which has a direct effect on determining a role of trust, unity and assets for drawing effective ways of reinforcement between those, influence on improvement and coordination for rational management of network organization of community welfare in terms of playing a main role for instant welfare practice intention on improvement for welfare service between social workers and network organization of community welfare. For this, a theoretical study was practiced on each concept through an advanced research on factors of relationship norm, trust, unity, assets and result of organizations. The new model of relations was established for investigating interrelations among these factors as providing reasonable evidence.
The cause-and-effect relationship was analyzed on relationship norm, trust, unity, assets and result of organizations for measuring the designed study models through the Structure Equation Model(SEM). It may be summarized as follows.
First of all, it is proved that social worker's factors of relationship norm are multidimensional concepts classified by flexibility, power of unity, reciprocality and long-term directivity.
It is considered that network organizations of community welfare expect social workers to have achievement on the factors of relation norm. And social workers need to share things basis on models of behavior which network organizations can accept.
Second, it appeared that social worker's factors of Relationship norm , such as flexibility, unity, reciprocality, long-term directivity and so on, have a positive effect on all of faith recognized, which are kept in view , the relationship between the social worker's factors and the faith recognized of network organization of community welfare. Thus, it has great implications for Social workers that they ought to handle the problems occurred as well as flexible reactions in partnership with and induce the formation of fellowship about community interests, they should seek the long-term directivity focused on achievements of target and results of the future instead of a short-term business concentrated on selections and results of the present in order to get trust for Social workers from the network organization of community welfare.
Third, it showed that the relational bond between the social workers and network organization of community welfare is classified by causes of structural, social and functional of multidimensional, which have a positive effect on relational assets of the network organization of community welfare each other. Therefore, it is suggested that they have to put up with the mutual short-term sacrifices, reducing is definitely important with result creations and need strategies to find and pursue means to prevent or relieve the conflicts beforehand for the relational bond between the social workers and network organization of community welfare.
Forth, it represented that the relational bond between the social workers and network organization of community welfare has a positive effect on outcomes of the latter. That means a need of the partnered relationship formation for improving the results of network organization of community welfare.
Fifth, it is said that the relational assets of the network organization of welfare has a positive effect on group results. That is by forming the altruistic relationship between the social workers and network organization of community welfare in commutation relation to the other through the mutual and balanced relation, that creates durability of community welfare, that implied this can be the driving force for improving and systemicity.
Sixth, it appreared the relationship norm the social workers recognize importantly would be the perlocutionary role by the social worker's faith recognized. A result like this suggested the faith has a positive effect on unity of the people who exchaged community welfare service in directly and this can be the main factor in the process of the close relation, the relation between the social workers and network organization of community welfare.
To sum it up, the social worker's factors of relationship norm , such as flexibility, unity, reciprocality, long term directivity and so on, have a positive effect on the faith, relational bond, relational assets and group result by drawing a conclusion, it is said that we need to research actively about the multidimensionally route relation like social, psychological, financial and so on the relation between the social workers and network organization of community welfare.
- Author(s)
- 이광호
- Issued Date
- 2011
- Awarded Date
- 2012. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000000005775
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lee, Gwang-Ho
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교
- Department
- 경영대학원 경영학과
- Advisor
- 김정희
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서론 10
1. 연구배경 및 목적 10
1) 연구의 배경 10
2) 연구의 목적 12
2. 연구의 방법 및 구성 13
1) 연구의 방법 13
2) 논문의 구성 14
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 15
1. 지역사회복지 네트워크 15
1) 지역사회복지 네트워크의 필요성 15
2) 지역사회복지 네트워크 개념 17
(1) 지역사회복지 개념 20
(2) 네트워크 개념 23
3) 지역사회복지 네트워크 의의 26
2. 관계규범 28
1) 관계규범의 개념 28
2) 관계규범 구성요인 31
3. 신뢰 37
1) 신뢰의 개념 37
2) 신뢰의 유형 39
3) 신뢰와 결속과의 관계 40
4. 관계결속 42
1) 관계결속의 개념 42
2) 관계결속의 유형 44
5. 관계자산 47
1) 관계자산의 개념 47
2) 지역사회복지 네트워크조직의 관계자산 49
6. 조직성과 55
1) 조직성과의 개념 55
2) 조직성과의 영향요인 57
Ⅲ. 연구방법 60
1. 연구모형 및 가설설정 60
1) 연구모형 60
2) 가설설정 62
2. 조사설계 69
1) 표본설계 69
2) 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 70
3) 설문지 구성 74
4) 분석방법 77
Ⅳ. 실증분석 78
1. 표본의 구성 78
2. 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 79
3. 연구모형 분석 89
1) 연구모형 검증 89
2) 가설 검증 90
3) 가설검증 결과 요약 99
Ⅴ. 결론 101
1. 연구결과 및 전략적 시사점 101
2. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 104
참고문헌 105
설문지 113
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 경영대학원
- Citation
- 이광호. (2011). 사회복지사의 관계규범이 신뢰, 관계결속, 관계자산, 조직성과에 미치는 영향
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