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제초제 저항성 GM 들잔디(Zoysia japonica Steud.)의 화분에 의한 유전자 이동성 평가

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Assessment of pollen-mediated gene flow from a genetically modified herbicide-resistant zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.)
This study was performed to estimate the possibility of pollen-mediated gene flow of a genetically modified (GM) herbicide-tolerant zoysiagrass, which is required for commercial cultivation of GM crops. Chapter 1, environmental factors affecting on anthesis and pollen viability have been checked. The pollens were released predominantly at 8:00~10:00 in day cycle, their viabilities were greatest as well. The pollen viability or longevity was best at the temperature and humidity of 15~20oC and 80~99%, respectively, which were varied depending on the atmospheric change. Under sunny condition, the pollen was germinable only up to about 120 min after anthesis, but under cloudy condition, up to 450 min after anthesis, extending at least above 2-times compared to that under sunny condition. In addition, no significant difference was found between GM and non-GM zoysiagrass in their pollen viability or longevity. Chapter 2, the pollen-mediated gene flow from the GM zoysiagrass to non-GM zoysiagrass species by measuring crossing-over rate of herbicide-resistant bar gene using three experimental models which include unidirectional population combination (UPC), field-to-field, and radial model have been checked from 2007 to 2011. In comparative close distance of below 5m, the gene flow rate was measured around 3~5.7% in the UPC and field-to-field models. The distance from the GM source was longer, the gene flow rate lower. The gene flow was found at very low frequency of 0.25% in 38m, but not found outward longer distance than it. In the radial model, the gene flow rate was 3.7% in the radius of 3m, and that was found to be high toward the directions of northeast, southwest, and west. The local meteorological data supported that the gene flow rate varying according to the position of pollen recipient (non-GM zoysiagrass) might be influenced by wind direction and speed during flowering season.
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2012. 2
대학원 생명공학과
Table Of Contents
Abstract 3
서론 4
제 1 장. 화분 생존능력 및 방출 특성 조사 7
I. 재료 및 방법 8
1. 식물재료 8
2. 화분 생존능력 조사 8
3. 화분의 비산 밀도 조사 10
4. 방출패턴 및 생존능력 조사 11
5. 화분 생존능력과 임실율의 상관관계 11
II. 결과 및 고찰 12
1. 화분 생존능력 조사 12
가. 온도 및 습도 변화에 따른 화분 생존능력 조사 12
나. 맑은 조건 및 흐린 조건에서의 화분 생존능력 조사 14
2. 화분의 비산 밀도 조사 15
가. 높이에 따른 화분의 비산 밀도 조사 15
나. 거리에 따른 화분의 비산 밀도 조사 16
3. 화분의 방출패턴 및 생존능력 조사 18
가. 하루 주기의 방출패턴 분석 18
나. 하루 주기의 생존능력 분석 19
4. 화분 생존능력과 임실율의 상관관계 20
제 2 장. 화분에 의한 유전자 이동성 조사 21
I. 재료 및 방법 22
1. 식물재료 22
2. 유전자 이동성 평가를 위한 실험 설계 22
II. 결과 및 고찰 26
1. 설계 모형을 통한 유전자 이동 빈도 조사 26
가. 근접 거리 모형에서 유전자 이동율 조사 26
나. 단방향 모형에서 유전자 이동율 조사 28
다. 포장 대 포장에서 유전자 이동율 조사 31
라. 방사형 모형에 유전자 이동율 조사 33
종합고찰 35
참고문헌 37
감사의 글 42
제주대학교 대학원
정옥철. (2011). 제초제 저항성 GM 들잔디(Zoysia japonica Steud.)의 화분에 의한 유전자 이동성 평가
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Faculty of Biotechnology > Molecular Biotechnology
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