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목표지향성과 직무수행의 관계에서 주도적 행동과 피드백 추구행동의 매개효과

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In the approach of behavior science, individual behaviors influence organizational effectiveness and job performance. There are a variety of studies on which individual orientation has an effect to job performance, and the concept of goal orientation is recently on the edge of the researches in organizational psychology. Furthermore, while the concepts of proactive behaviors and feedback-seeking behaviors have studied, and the attempt which finds out the antecedents of them has no break. In the current paper, the researcher argues to demonstrate goal orientation as an antecedent toward the proactive behaviors and feedback-seeking behaviors. In particular, this approach is carried out with the sample of the Korean and the Chinese.
This researcher conducted to prove 5 hypothesis comprehensively. The whole hypothesis are 1) goal orientation(Learning Goal Orientation(LGO), Performance Approach Goal Orientation(PPGO), Performance Avoidance Goal Orientation(PAGO)) affects job performance(task performance, OCB-I, innovative performance), 2) goal orientation has an direct effect to proactive behaviors and feedback-seeking behaviors, 3) proactive behaviors and feedback-seeking behaviors are the main variables to affect toward job performance, 4) proactive behaviors and feedback-seeking behaviors as a mediator carry out in the relation goal orientation and job performance, 5) the differences of research target in results are identified in the relations mentioned above.

To accomplish these purposes, the research is designed to publish two measurement scales for the Korean and the Chinese. In this paper, in terms of the validation of translation, the researcher had the process as follows. Two chinese students in graduate school took part in translation, a student translated the scales written Korean into Chinese, other student re-translated the questionnaire changed Chinese into Korean again. They compared with two scales each other and they repeated the process until they completely reached a consensus. Next, the scales had a pilot test to Chinese who have stayed and work in Jeju, and the translation was checked up by them. Finally, for the purpose of check-up, the scales translated into chinese were sent a company, which located in Peking, and Korean sojourning employees and Korean-Chinese checked the questionnaire. In order to get data of Chinese, the researcher stayed at Jeju international airport over about 7 days, accounted for the purpose of investigation in person. The data for analysis was consisted of 192 Koreans and 184 Chinese.
This results of the present study are, 1) that goal orientation(LGO and PPGO) has an significant effect to both targets positively, while no effect by PAGO. The differences between the Korean sample and the Chinese sample are that the regression coefficients of LGO is higher than PPGO's in Koreans, on the contrary to this, the regression coefficients of PPGO is bigger than LGO in Chinese as well as they also make the both hypothesis supported in the relaions GO-proactive behaviors and GO-feedback seeking behaviors except for PAGO's relations in all targets. 2) that proactive behaviors and feedback-seeking behaviors are positively related with all outcome variables. 3) that the mediating effects are partially supported.
The implications of the dissertation are as follows. First, goal orientation is significant variables to explain the job performance, and the impacts by constructs are different. Second, goal orientation is an antecedents to account for proactive behaviors and feedback-seeking behaviors, in other words, the proposition on which individual orientation give rise to those behaviors is supported through this paper again. Third, proactive and feedback-seeking behaviors are related with job performance. Finally, the mechanisms in the links in Go-job performance are explained by two variables.
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2013. 2
제주대학교 대학원
경영대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구목적 3
제2절 연구방법 및 논문구성 4
1. 연구방법 4
2. 논문구성 5

제 2 장 이론적 고찰 7
제1절 목표지향성 7
1. 목표지향성 개념 7
2. 목표지향성 구성요소 10
3. 목표지향성 연구동향 14
제2절 피드백 추구행동과 주도적 행동 17
1. 피드백 추구행동 17
2. 주도적 행동 19
3. 목표지향성과 주도적 행동 및 피드백 추구행동의 관계 20
제3절 직무수행 22
1. 직무수행의 개념 22
2. 목표지향성과 직무수행의 관계 29
3. 주도적 행동, 피드백 추구 행동과 직무수행의 관계 30

제 3 장 연구의 설계 32
제1절 연구모형 및 연구가설 32
1. 연구모형 32
2. 연구가설의 설정 33
제2절 변수의 정의 및 조사 설계 40
1. 변수의 조작적 정의 40
2. 조사 설계 43

제 4 장 실증분석 46
제1절 타당성 및 신뢰성 분석 46
1. 표본의 특성 46
2. 타당성 및 신뢰성검증 48
3. 연구변수에 대한 기술적 통계 51
제2절 가설검증 53
1. 목표지향성과 직무수행의 관계 53
2. 목표지향성과 매개변수의 관계(주도적 행동, 피드백 추구행동) 55
3. 피드백추구행동 및 주도적 행동과 직무수행의 관계 57
4. 매개효과분석 59

제 5 장 결 론 74
제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 74
제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 76

참고문헌 78
설 문 지 83
유매. (2013). 목표지향성과 직무수행의 관계에서 주도적 행동과 피드백 추구행동의 매개효과
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Business Administration
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