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경력학습의 선행변인과 결과변인 간의 구조적 관계

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Recently, a great number of employees are exposed to develop their ability for job and career owing to external environmental change. As human resources have different characteristics which are able to improve the value, they classify core resources compared with financial resource and physical resource. In addition, career advancement help companies achieve the goal for companies with added value. As a result, studies on career are at the edge of organizational psychology for the past decade. In addition, the paradigm of career is dramatically changed and neo-approach of career which focuses on the self-actualization via career is fit for explanation of such the change.
In this paper, it advances understanding of mechanism of career learning for career advancement between antecedents(individual disposition variable, job related variable, and superior related variables) and outcome variables (organizational career growth). The research model is aimed to test the mechanism of individual career learning in organizations comprehensively. In career research, it is out of interest of scholars on how employees develop their ability for career, the present study describes on the process empirically. In addition, recent studies on career emphasize on the career success in the approach of which career help to achieve self-actualization in order to hire a better company and to transfer higher position. However, in the external labor market, the fierce competition push employee to change thought of which career should contribute to hire continuously in the current organization. The new approach vastly implicates on career perspective to employees, in such the context, the present paper considers on the career growth in organizations compared with previous studies differently.
In accordance with the research model, Antecedents (proactive personality, person-job fit, and superior coaching) of career learning consists of 3 dimensions such as individual disposition, job, and superior. As well outcome variables of career learning are composed of career adaptability, job self-efficacy, and organizational career growth. The variable of organizational career growth gives an account of career success at the perspective of rewards. Next, it will be tested both mediating effects of career learning in the relationships between antecedents-career adaptability, and antecedents-job self-efficacy as well as of career adaptability and job self-efficacy in the links between career learning and organizational career growth are demonstrated in the research model. Furthermore, there is almost few an empirical study with career learning mechanism empirically. The data which was applied to analysis collected from 340 employee's who have worked for companies which were well-equipped the human resource development system and have hired over than 1,000 because policy for career development in organizations generally depends on firm's size. The questionnaire was designed to specifically assess through self-report elements to all variables, self-report instrument is able to bring about common method bias. With regard to common method bias, the questionnaire consist of two parts; part 1 which can measure antecedents and career learning, part 2 which is able to measure outcome variables, with time interval of a day, so as to reduce the contextual effect. The designed model for the current research was analyzed with SPSS package and program of AMOS for the different purposes. SPSS carried out the exploratory factor analysis to check the validation of items. In particular, because the variable of organizational career growth applied almost first time to adopt it in Korea, the scales were needed to test the discriminant validation compared with other variables written by Korean. Except for the exploratory factor analysis, most of analysis conducted with structural equation modeling such as comparison of structural equation models to seek for the best model, path model to test hypothesis, mediating effects and indirect effects through bootstrapping, relative effects comparison, and multi-group path analysis.
This researcher conducted to prove 5 hypotheses comprehensively. First, antecedents(proactive personality, person-job fit, and superior coaching) will be positively related to career learning. Second, career learning will have a positive effect to career adaptability and job self-efficacy. Third, career adaptability and job self-efficacy will be associated with organizational career growth positively. Fourth, career learning will mediate the links between antecedents and career adaptability and job self-efficacy. Fifth, career adaptability and job self-efficacy will mediate the relationships between career learning and organizational career growth.
The results are as follows. First, in the comparison of research model, the direct path between career learning and organizational career growth was demonstrated as the best model with comparison to alternative models. As a result, all hypotheses tested in that model. The main effects of antecedents to career learning were statistically supported as expected. Second, the impacts of career learning to career adaptability and job self-efficacy were positively significant. Third, none relationships between career adaptability and organizational career growth(job reward, organizational reward), and job self-efficacy to organizational career growth(job reward, organizational reward) were significant effects in the structural model. Fourth, the mediating effects by career learning revealed statistically significant in the links between antecedents-career adaptability and antecedents-job self-efficacy. Fifth, the mediation of career adaptability and job self-efficacy were not supported in that mechanism. In particular, the mediation by both variables when the mediators added in that mechanism, controlled by the suppression effects. As a result, the path coefficient was proved with negative effect in comparison with correlation.
The implications of this study are as follows in academy and in practice. First, mechanism for career advancement proved in the comprehensive perspective via career learning. In the previous studies on career learning, all of them just tested the main effects between predictors-career learning, and career learning-outcome variables individually, almost none examined career learning mechanism. As a result, this paper contribute to understand career learning mechanism comprehensively and to facilitate studies for career learning in organizational context. Second, in organizational context, the one of which the individual seek for organizational career growth was demonstrated. Such the results stress on the importance for career growth in organizations in comparison with neo-career theory which focus on self-actualization. In practice, the results of which career learning improves career ability and job ability require the importance for a variety of programs, which facilitate career learning, from companies in order to enhance career advancement for employees. Furthermore, the results offer the necessity of career development system and learning programs so as to advance individual ability.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Ji, Sung Ho
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
제 Ⅰ 장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
제2절 연구방법 및 논문구성 5
1. 연구방법 5
2. 논문구성 6
제 Ⅱ 장 이론적 배경 8
제1절 경력개발 및 경력학습 8
1. 경력의 개념 8
2. 경력개발의 개념 15
3. 경력학습의 개념 23
4. 경력개발과 경력학습의 관계 및 선행연구 25
제2절 경력학습 선행변인 29
1. 주도성 개념 및 선행연구 30
2. 개인-직무적합성 개념 및 선행연구 34
3. 상사코칭 개념 및 선행연구 37
제3절 경력학습 결과변인 41
1. 경력적응력 및 직무효능감 개념과 선행연구 41
2. 조직경력성장 개념 및 선행연구 44
제 Ⅲ 장 연구설계 47
제1절 연구모형 및 연구가설 47
1. 연구모형 47
2. 연구가설 설정 48
제2절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 조사 설계 60
1. 변수의 조작적 정의 60
2. 조사 설계 63
제 Ⅳ 장 실증분석 69
제1절 표본특성 및 측정도구 검증 69
1. 표본의 특성 69
2. 측정도구 신뢰성 및 타당성 검증 71
3. 기술적 통계 및 상관관계 분석 77
제2절 가설검증 79
1. 가설검증 79
2. 추가분석 88
제 Ⅴ 장 결 론 93
제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 93
제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 98
참고문헌 101
설 문 지 123
제주대학교 대학원
지성호. (2014). 경력학습의 선행변인과 결과변인 간의 구조적 관계
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General Graduate School > Business Administration
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