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제주 흑돼지 모돈 산차에 따른 번식형질 및 자돈의 품질 분석

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Effects of the sow parity on reproductive traits and meat quality of piglets
제주 흑돼지는 질병에 강건하며 환경변화에 적응력이 좋고 육질에 따른 맛이
좋다. 또한, 청정지역의 이미지와 어울려 소비자들로부터 기호도가 우수하고 육
질이 좋아 다양한 요구를 충족시키기에 충분하다. 그러나 제주 흑돼지는 산자수
가 낮으며, 성장속도가 느려 육생산량위주의 삼원교잡종에 비해 생산성이 낮은
단점을 가지고 있다. 그리고 삼원교잡종에 의해 생산된 식육은 PSE육과 같은 이
상육의 발생과 품질에 영향을 미치는 특성을 보여주고 있다. 따라서, 제주 흑돼
지의 차별화된 품질을 향상시키며 제주 흑돼지 산업을 지속적이고 발전시키기
위한 역할이 필요할 때이다.
본 연구는 제주도 내에서 사육하여 생산된 제주 흑돼지가 산차에 따른 번식형
질과 생산된 자돈들에 대한 번식능력, 성장능력, 도체특성, 육질평가 등을 분석하
여 품질을 알아보기 위한 목적으로 연구를 실시하였다.
연구를 위해 이용된 공시돈은 모색, 귀, 유두, 체형, 생식기, 질병 등을 파악하여
외모심사를 거쳐 종모돈 14두와 종빈돈 93두를 0세대로 선발하였고, 교배 조합을
통하여 출생된 763두의 자돈을 1세대로 설정하였다. 또한, 0세대와 같은 외모심
사 단계를 거쳐 종빈돈 97두를 선발하였고, 출생된 786두의 자돈을 2세대로 설정
하였으며, 이 또한, 외모심사를 거쳐 종빈돈 196두와 이유된 자돈 656두를 실험
돈으로 선정하였다.
기초축군의 검정성적 결과는 90kg 도달일령 평균은 166.97일로 측정되었으며,
등지방 두께의 평균은 12.88㎜로 측정되었다. 번식능력 결과에서는 산차 평균은
1.61산차로 측정되었고, 유두수의 평균은 13.21개로 측정되었다. 기초축군의 외모
심사 결과의 종모돈은 14두가 흑색이였으며, 종빈돈 207두 중 흑모색 175두, 이
모색 15두, 미확인 17두로 측정되었다. 귀형태에 따라 직립상향, 직립전향, 하향
으로 분류하였으며 종모돈에서 하향 3두로 비율이 작게 나타났으며, 종빈돈에서
직립상향 131두(62.7%)로 많은 비율을 나타났다. 세대별 성장형질에서 1세대와 2
세대를 비교한 결과 일당 증체량 평균 및 이유체중 그리고 등지방에서는 유의적
차이를 나타나지 않았다. 반면, 도축일령 항목에서는 1세대(201.43±21.31)와 2세대(183.55±6.59)간의 유의적인 차이가 나타났으며, 도체중 항목에서도 1세대(72.49±6.01)
와 2세대(70.90±3.57)간의 유의적인 차이가 나타났다. 번식능력 변화는 총산자수와
포유개시돈수의 항목에서는 1세대보다 0세대의 결과 값이 높은 것으로 나타났다.
모돈 산차 그룹에 따른 모돈수와 자돈수의 분포는 First, Young, Old에 대하여 3
그룹으로 나누었으며, 총 이용된 종빈돈 수는 196두이며, 총 자돈수는 656두를
나타내었다. 모돈 산차 그룹 간에 근섬유의 특징 비교에서는 모돈 산차 그룹 간
에 근섬유 단면적 평균 크기는 Stage 1 그룹이 4,855(144.9)㎛2로 가장 높았고,
Stage 2 그룹이 4,617(87.2)㎛2로 가장 낮았으며 유의적 차이는 없었다(P=0.298).
근섬유 수의 조성 비율에서는 산차 그룹에 따라 Type I 비율은 10.18(0.66)∼
11.29(0.59)%로 측정되었고, Type IIa 비율은 7.16(0.25)∼7.46(0.47)%로 측정되었
으며, Type IIb 비율은 81.42(0.70)∼82.36(0.78)%로 측정 되었다. 근섬유 면적 조
성 비율에서 Type I은 모돈 산차 그룹에 따라 7.48(0.48)∼8.82(0.43)%로 측정되
었고, Type IIa는 4.08(0.32)∼4.55(0.29)%로 측정되었지만 유의적 차이는 없었으
며, Type IIb는 85.78(0.66)∼88.55(0.74)로 측정되었다. 이에 따라 산차 단계가
증가 할수록 근섬유 면적 조성에서 Type I의 비율은 감소하고 Type IIb의 비율
의 증가함에 따라 저산차일수록 육질과 품질이 향상된다. 산차 그룹에 따른 자돈
의 육질분석 결과는 pH 24hour, FFU, L*, a*, NPPC marbling과 도체특성에서
도체중 및 등지방 두께에서는 유의적 차이가 측정되지 않았지만, pH 45minute에
서는 Stage 3 그룹 6.30(0.03)에서 유의적 차이를 나타냈다(P=0.022). 보수력 측정
항목 중 Drip loss에서는 Stage 1 그룹 1.32(0.09)에서 유의적 차이를 나타냈으며,
Cooking loss에서는 Stage 2 그룹 14.44(0.30)에서 유의적 차이를 나타냈다. 육색
항목 중 b*에서는 Stage 2 그룹 2.35(0.05)로 가장 높고 Stage 1 그룹 2.14(0.08)
로 가장 낮게 측정되었다(P=0.053). 육색 항목 중 NPPC color는 Stage 2 그룹
2.57(0.03)로 가장 높고 Stage 1 그룹이 가장 낮게 측정되었다(P=0.092). 모돈 산
차 그룹에 따른 식육의 조직감 비교 분석에서 경도는 Stage 1 그룹 40.73(0.61)이
가장 높고 Stage 2 그룹 39.21(0.37)로 가장 낮게 측정되었다(P=0.090). 응집성은
Stage 3 그룹 0.43(0.01)로 유의적 차이를 나타냈다(P=0.050). 탄력성, 부착성, 씹
힘성, 복원력에서는 Stage 1 그룹이 각각 5.79(0.24), 7.07(0.60), 121.9(5.77),
0.096(0.004)로 유의적 차이를 나타냈다(P<0.001). 검성은 Stage 1 그룹 18.84(0.42)로 유의적 차이를 나타냈다(P=0.055).
본 연구의 분석결과 각 모돈 산차 그룹에 따른 최종 pH와 보수력과 관련된 Drip
loss와 Cooking loss의 측정된 값은 정상범위에 나타났으며 육색관련 항목과 근섬
유 특징에 따라 모돈 산차 그룹 간에 식육의 품질을 예측할 수 있었다. 또한, 사람
이 육안으로 육색을 측정할 수 있는 NPPC color는 산차 그룹에 따라 비슷한 경향
을 보였으며, 조직감 항목에서 경도의 증가는 검성의 증가로 이어지고 씸힘성은 검
성의 영향을 받으며, 검성이 증가할수록 씹힘성이 증가하였다. 본 연구에서는 분석
결과를 통하여 모돈의 산차 단계에 따라 육질을 예측할 수 있었다. 또한, 제주 흑돼
지의 식육품질을 알아보기 위한 산차를 제시함으로서 육질이 좋은 맞춤형의 돈육
생산 체계를 설정하여 경쟁력 있는 제주 흑돼지로 발전할 수 있을 것이라 깊이 생
Jeju black pigs are a robust breed of pig that are highly resistant to disease
and highly adaptable to environment changes that have a diverse range of
taste according to quality of meat. Also because their image fits naturally
well with the plush and green back setting of the clean environment of Jeju,
Jeju black pigs are a highly favored product of consumers with high quality
meat that can more than adequately satisfy the demands of customers. But
Jeju black pigs have a small litter size and have a slow growth rate, so in
comparison with the triple breed cross bred pigs bred for abundant meat
yield, they are not as productive. The meat produced by the triple breed
cross bred pigs show characteristics of influencing the quality of meat and
causing poor quality meat such as of the PSE(Pale, Soft, Exudative) type.
Therefore there is a need to distinctively improve the quality of Jeju black
pigs and to ensure the sustainability and development of the Jeju black pig
livestock industry.
This research analyzed the reproductive traits according to the sow parity of
Jeju black pigs raised and produced within Jeju Island and also the
reproductive and growth ability, carcass characteristics and quality of meat
etc. for the produced piglets with the objective of examining the quality of
the meat of Jeju black pigs.
The test group pigs used in the research were externally examined for hair
color, ear, nipple, body type, genitalia, disease etc. to choose 14 boars and 93
sows for generation 0, and the 763 piglets produced in the first generation
were set as the 1st generation. Through another external examination 97
boars were selected, and the 786 piglets produced were set as the 2nd
generation, and through another external examination 196 boars were selected
and 656 weaned piglets were set as the test pig group.
The certification results of the base herd confirmed that it took an average
of 166.97 days to reach 90kg, and the average thickness of back fat was
12.88㎜. The results of reproductive ability showed that the average sow
parity was 1.61, and the average number of nipples was 13.21. The results of
the external examination of the base herd showed that 14 boars were black
and out of the 207 sows, 175 were black, 15 were of a different color and 17
were unconfirmed.
According to the shape of the ear the pigs were categorized as having 'erect
and upwards', 'erect and forward' and 'downwards' ear types, and it was
showed that boars had a very low rate of 'downwards' with only 3 and for
sows 'erect and upwards' was the most common at 131 pigs(62.7%).
For generation based growth characteristics, when comparing generation 1 and 2,
it was shown that there were no significant differences for ADG(average daily
gain) and weaning weight and back fat.
On the other hand for the slaughter age category, there was a significant
difference between generation 1(201.43±21.31) and generation 2 (183.55±6.59),
and for the carcass category there was also a significant difference between
generation 1(72.49±6.01) and generation 2(70.90±3.57).
For change in reproductive ability in the total piglet and number of weaned
pigs it was confirmed that the value of generation 0 was higher than that of
generation 1.
The distribution of the number of sows and piglets according to sow parity
were divided into the 3 groups of 'first', 'young' and 'old', and the total
number of sows in the test were 196, and the total number of piglets was
For the comparison of muscle fiber characteristics between the sow parity
groups, the average cross sectional area of the muscle fiber between the sow
parity groups was the highest for Stage 1 Group 4,855(144.9)㎛2 and the
lowest for Stage 1 Group 4,617(87.2)㎛2 but it was confirmed that there was
no significant difference(P=0.298).
For the number of muscle fiber tissue composition, it was shown that the
rate for Type I was 10.18(0.66)∼11.29(0.59)% according to the sow parity
group and the rate for Type IIa was measured to be 7.16(0.25)∼7.46(0.47)%
and the rate for Type IIb was measured to be 81.42(0.70)∼82.36(0.78)%.
For the area of muscle fiber tissue composition, it was shown that the rate
for Type I was 7.48(0.48)∼8.82(0.43)% according to the sow parity group and
the while the rate for Type IIa was measured to be 4.08(0.32)∼4.55(0.29)% it
was confirmed that there was no significant difference and the rate for Type
IIb was measured to be 85.78(0.66)∼88.55(0.74).
Accordingly as the sow parity Stage increased the rate of area of muscle
fiber tissue composition in Type I decreased and as the rate of Type IIb
increased, quality of taste and meat improved the lower the sow parity.
The meat quality analysis results for piglets according to the sow parity group confirmed that there were no significant differences in the pH 24hour,
FFU, L*, a*, NPPC marbling and carcass weight and back fat thickness for
carcass characteristics, it was shown that there was a significant difference
(P=0.022) in pH 45minute in the Stage 3 group 6.30(0.03).
For Drip loss, which is a water holding capacity measurement index, it was
shown that there was a significant difference in the Stage 1 group 1.32(0.09)
and for cooking loss it was shown that there was a significant difference in
the Stage 2 group 14.44(0.30).
For the meat color category, in b* it was shown that the Stage 2 group
2.35(0.05) was the highest and that the Stage 1 group 2.14(0.08) was the
For the meat color category, in NPPC color, it was shown that the Stage 2
group 2.57(0.03) was the highest and that the Stage 1 group was the lowest
In the comparative analysis of the meat texture of the meat according to the
sow parity group it was shown that for hardness the Stage 1 group
40.73(0.61) was the highest and that the Stage 2 group 39.21(0.37) was the
For cohesion, the Stage 3 group 0.43(0.01) showed significant differences
For springiness, adhesiveness, chewiness and resilience it was shown that
the Stage 1 group showed a significant difference at 5.79(0.24), 7.07(0.60),
121.9(5.77), 0.096(0.004), respectively(P<0.001).
For gumminess it was shown that the Stage 1 group 18.84(0.42) showed a
significant difference at (P=0.055).
The analysis results of this research confirmed that the Drip loss and
Cooking loss measurements, which are related to the final pH and water
holding capacity according to the sow parity group, were within normal range,
and it was possible to predict the quality of the meat according to the sow parity group according to the meat coloration related categories and muscle fiber
Also the NPPC color, which is a color index that is discernable to the naked
human eye, showed a similar trend according to the sow parity group and the
increase in hardness in the texture of meat category results in an increase in
gumminess, and chewiness was influenced by gumminess, and the more the
gumminess increased the more chewiness increased.
Through the analysis results of this research it was possible to predict the
quality of the meat according to the sow parity group. This research proposed
the group system of sow parity to examine the quality of meat of Jeju black
pigs, and by configuring a customized pork meat producing system with high
quality meat, it is highly considered to be possible to develop a competitive
Jeju black pig meat product.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Lim, Do Hun
대학원 동물생명공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 연구사 3
1. 제주 흑돼지의 특성 3
2. 식육의 주요 품질 항목 8
3. 근섬유의 특징 및 종류에 따른 구분. 11
Ⅲ. 재료및방법. 14
1. 실험돈군 설정. 14
2. 생산 자돈의 성장형질 및 번식능력 변화 15
3. 근섬유. 16
4. 육질 17
5. 통계분석 19
Ⅳ. 결과및고찰 20
4.1. 기초축군 검정성적 및 번식능력 결과. 20
4.2. 생산자돈의 성장형질 및 번식능력 변화 결과 24
4.3. 모돈 산차 그룹에 따른 모돈수와 자돈수의 분포. 25
4.4. 모돈 산차 그룹 간에 근섬유 특징 비교 26
4.5. 식육의 품질과 자돈의 도체특성이 모돈 산차 그룹의 효과 분석. 29
4.6. 모돈 산차 그룹에 따른 생산자돈의 식육에 대한 조직감 비교 분석 32
Ⅴ. 요약 34
참고문헌. 42
제주대학교 대학원
임도훈. (2015). 제주 흑돼지 모돈 산차에 따른 번식형질 및 자돈의 품질 분석
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