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공익연계 마케팅 참여동기와 자기효능감이 심리적 연대감과 참여의도에 미치는 영향

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The Effect of Participation Motivation and Self-Efficacy on the Psychological Sense of Community and Intention of Participation in Cause-Related Marketing
Cause-Related marketing has been gradually recognized by consumersin decades of development since the 1980s, Now it is one of the moreindispensable means for enterprises to achieve long-term development.However, in the implementation of Cause-Related marketing, someenterprises have achieved remarkable results while others have achievedlittle effect. Among them, consumers' participation in public welfare willdirectly affect the results and benefits of enterprises in Cause-Relatedmarketing. So research and analyze consumers' Intention of Participationin Cause-Related marketing is very important for the problemsencountered by enterprises in the implementation of Cause-Relatedmarketing.In the study of consumers' Intention of Participation in Cause-Relatedmarketing, This paper mainly starts from the three dimensions ofparticipation motivation, self-Efficacy and Psychological Sense ofCommunity, And build a model based on it.This paper objectives of this article are summarized as follows: Firstanalyze the impact of self-Efficacy on consumer participation,Self-Efficacy is a kind of self-feeling that an individual has about hisbehavior, This feeling will affect the results of behavior The strength ofself-Efficacy will affect consumers' motivation and Intention. Secondly,analyze the influence of Psychological Sense of Community onconsumer's participation, Because the individual is a part of the whole,the consumer's behavior and intention will be affected by the wholeinvisibly. Therefore, western community psychology will also affectconsumers' motivation and Intention. Finally, this paper uses anempirical study on consumers' Intention to participate in public welfareactivities to find out what factors play a key role in this, and thenPropose marketing strategies to the company, In order to maximizeprofits and reduce the risk of failure in Cause-Related marketingactivities.This research uses the existing domestic and foreign participationmotivation, self-Efficacy, Psychological Sense of Community and Intentionof Participation in theoretical research. In order to establish the causalrelationship between the influencing factors, the research model andresearch theory are derived. Conducted a questionnaire survey toconduct empirical research. Using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 24.0 to Empiricalanalysis.The research result is as follows:First,Self-Efficacy has a positive (+) effect on Participation motivation.In the hypothesis, Among the sub-factors of participation motivation, Itwas found that self-Efficacy had a positive (+) effect on self-direction,pleasure, familiarity,altruism, and physical reward.Second, Participation motivation has a positive (+) effect onPsychological Sense of Community. In the hypothesis, Among thesub-factors of participation motivation except for recognition,It wasfound that self-direction, pleasure, altruism, and physical reward had apositive (+) effect on Psychological Sense of Community.Third, Self-Efficacy and Psychological Sense of Community has apositive (+) effect on consumers' Intention of Participation. InCause-Related marketing, consumers can see that their judgment abouttheir ability to participate in public interest activities affects theirintention to participate in public interest activities. It can be seen thatconsumers' Psychological Sense of Community can influence theirIntention of Participation.Fourth, Self-Efficacy hasa positive (+) effect on Psychological Sense ofCommunity. When a company engages in public interest activities, it canbe predicted that a consumer's motivation and self-Efficacy will have agreat effect on the Psychological Sense of Community。Fifth, Participation motivation has a positive (+) effect on Intention ofParticipation. The Participation motivation of consumers has a greatinfluence on the Intention of Participation and that is Participationmotivation affects the performance of a company's Cause-Relatedmarketing.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2021. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Lou, Hao
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서론 1
1. 연구 배경 1
2. 연구 목적 3
3. 연구 방법 4
4. 논문 구성 5
II. 이론적 배경 6
1. 공익연계 마케팅 6
1) 공익연계 마케팅의 개념 9
2) 공익연계 마케팅의 유형 9
3) 공익연계 마케팅의 효과 11
2. 공익연계 마케팅 참여동기 15
4) 동기의 개념 15
5) 참여 동기의 개념 16
6) 참여 동기의 영향요인 18
3. 자기효능감 21
1) 자기효능감의 개념 21
2) 자기효능감의 영향요인 24
3) 자기효능감의 유형 26
4) 자기효능감의 효과 28
4. 심리적 연대감 30
1) 심리적 연대감의 개념 30
2) 심리적 연대감의 영향요인 35
5. 공익연계 마케팅 참여의도 37
1) 참여의도의 개념 37
2) 참여의도의 이론적 모델 37
III. 연구 방법 41
1. 연구 모형 및 연구 가설 41
1) 연구 모형 41
2) 연구 가설 42
2. 변수의 조작적 정의와 측정 50
3. 조사 설계 56
1) 자료 수집 56
2) 분석 방법 56
IV. 실증 연구 57
1. 표본의 특성 57
2. 신뢰도와 타당도 검증 59
3. 가설 검증 66
1) 가설 검증결과 66
2) 가설 검증결과 요약 73
V. 결론 76
1. 연구의 요약 76
2. 연구의 시사점 77
3. 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구방향 79
제주대학교 대학원
루호. (2021). 공익연계 마케팅 참여동기와 자기효능감이 심리적 연대감과 참여의도에 미치는 영향
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General Graduate School > Business Administration
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