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선택실험법을 활용한 도서관광지 경제적 가치평가 연구

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A Study on Economic Valuation for Small Island Tourism Destination using Discrete Choice Experiment
This study investigates the balance between development and preservation of small island tourism destinations through valuation and to explore directions for sustainable tourism destinations. While many prior studies discuss the balance of development and preservation, few approached the issue of balance through an empirical study. As such, this study used a discrete choice experiment, which is a valuation method, to perform valuation on the properties of development and preservation while also conducting a comparison and analysis. In determining the properties and levels of the valuation, a key factor in a discrete choice experiment, the study intended to overcome the limitations of the methodology used in prior research by using Delphi investigation and factor analysis.
The Delphi survey determined which of the various properties of Udo is more important, and whether each property corresponds to a development property or a conservation property. Through factor analysis, the properties subject to valuation were selected to announce that valuation was performed for one conservation property and two development properties. The study considered that the derived development property was a "preservative development property," which sought to protect Udo's sustainability. From the analysis using the discrete choice experiment, the study estimated the probability random parameters logit model and the marginal willingness to pay. The estimation results were statistically insignificant for all "Beautiful Scenery" properties and statistically significant for "Congestion and Hospitality" and "Efforts for Sustainability." The marginal willingness to pay estimates were the largest when the problem of "Congestion and Hospitality" was resolved, followed by "Efforts for Sustainability." For Udo, the research site, the "Congestion and Hospitality" property required improvement with top priority, followed by "Efforts for Sustainability."
This study is meaningful because it shows the usefulness of the discrete choice experiment in exploring the balance between development and preservation of small island tourism destinations, and proposed a new research method to determine the priorities for development and preservation. This will be applicable to all small island tourism destinations whose main tourism resources are the natural environment and a calm and unique atmosphere. The results of this study highlight the importance of identifying whether the tourism resources of the small island tourism destinations are sustainable and whether their value is being damaged. Given that the tourism resources of small island tourism destinations are hard to protect and easily damaged, an immense effort is required to restore them to their original state once damaged. Policy measures are needed to preserve and manage such resources to prevent them from being seriously damaged.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2021. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Kwang Woong
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 배경 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 연구의 방법 및 범위 5
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 8
1. 도서관광 8
1) 개념 8
2) 유형 및 특성 9
3) 관광개발과 보존 11
4) 오버투어리즘 문제 14
5) 연구대상지 현황 및 특성 17
2. 경제적 가치평가 20
1) 개념 20
2) 이론체계 22
3) 유형 25
3. 선택실험법 28
1) 개념 28
2) 추정모형 30
3) 선행연구 33
Ⅲ. 연구의 설계 49
1. 선택실험법 설계 49
1) 절차 49
2) 속성 및 수준의 결정에서의 문제점 50
2. 조사 설계 52
1) 조사 개요 52
2) 전문가 조사 53
3) 관광객 조사 59
Ⅳ. 분석결과 61
1. 실증분석 결과 61
1) 델파이 조사 61
2) 요인분석 68
3) 선택실험법 설문지 도출 71
2. 선택실험법 분석결과 79
1) 일반적 특성 79
2) 가치평가 82
Ⅴ. 결 론 85
1. 연구의 요약 85
2. 이론적 시사점 87
3. 실무적 시사점 88
4. 연구의 한계 및 제언 90
참고문헌 92
설 문 지 106
제주대학교 대학원
최광웅. (2021). 선택실험법을 활용한 도서관광지 경제적 가치평가 연구
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General Graduate School > Tourism Management
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