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제주지역의 농촌주택개량사업 특성에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Characteristics of the Farming Village Housing Improvement Project in Jeju : Focused on the Case of Community District Improvement Project in Jeju in 1978
Jeju has different natural, social, and cultural environments compared to other
regions. People are becoming increasingly interested in returning to rural areas in
pursuit of life quality. Especially, Jeju's population is increasing as more people
go to Jeju after its excellent natural environment.
Many studies were conducted on traditional private houses in Jeju different
from other regions, but there is a lack of studies on farming village housing
improvement projects in Jeju since the New Community Movement that took
place in the mid-1970s. Many private houses built as standard farming houses in
the late 1970s still remain in farming areas. However, such houses were built
over 40 years ago and have become deteriorated. They are being reconstructed
into more convenient contemporary houses. There is a need to summarize and
study traditional private houses in Jeju before they disappear. Accordingly, the
purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the farming village
housing improvement project in Jeju in the 1970s compared to other regions and
find unique elements of Jeju. This study is also intended to investigate, analyze,
and summarize Jeju houses from the late 1970s to help future studies
Korea has various policies related to farming houses. Policies related to
farming villages from the 1960s until the present were investigated, and data
related to the farming village housing improvement project in the late 1970s were
examined and described. The standard farming house design in 1978 and the
current standard farming house design were analyzed to figure out the floor plan,
arrangement, shape, structure, and finishing material of houses. The housing
improvement project at the time was also studied through photos from the past.
In 1978, the community structure improvement project was carried out in 23
villages of Jeju. Among them, villages with community structures such as
Jeongsil Village in Orai-dong, Gunhang Village in Aewol-eup, Samdal 2-ri in
Seongsan-eup, and Sinseong Village in Namwon-eup were centrally investigated
to deduce their characteristics. The effects of the community structure
improvement project on residents were also examined. The characteristics of the
farming village housing improvement project and the community district
improvement project that took place nationwide in 1978 were examined using
photos. The community district improvement project of Jeju in 1978 was
compared with the standard farming house design in 1978 to analyze and describe
the floor plan, arrangement, shape, structure, and finishing material. In addition,
the resident burden ratio of the community district improvement project of Jeju in
1978 was analyzed, and the resident burden ratio and support ratio were analyzed
for each of the four villages investigated.
Nowadays, the boundary between rural and urban areas is disappearing with
the advancement of media and internet technology. There is no distinction in
housing types between rural and urban areas. In particular, unlike apartment
houses, detached houses reflect the preference and personality of individuals.
Farmers who build their houses through the farming village housing improvement
project want a house that fits their land and personal taste. For this reason, most
people request an architect to design their house despite the standard farming
house design. Also, the standard farming house design is useless because houses
cannot be approved easily without the help of an architect. The characteristics of
the farming house improvement project of Jeju in 1978 were examined in this
paper. In the process, the current problems were deduced. It is necessary to come
up with policies that can make up for such problems. This paper investigated
four villages out of 23 villages that implemented the community district
improvement project in 1978. There was a serious lack of data available in Jeju.
Especially, there must have been a standard house design of Jeju at the time, but
it could not be found. The remaining villages need to be investigated soon. Jeju
houses built in the 1980s must be investigated as well to propose the future
direction for houses in Jeju.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2021. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Ju Young
제주대학교 산업대학원
산업대학원 건축공학과
Table Of Contents
Summary x
I. 서 론 1
1.1. 연구의 배경과 목적 1
1.2. 연구범위 및 방법 4
II. 농촌주택개량사업 6
2.1. 한국의 농촌주택 관련 주요 정책 6
2.2. 1970년 후반 농촌주택개량사업의 전개 11
2.3. 1978년 농촌주택표준설계도에 관한 고찰 26
III. 1978년 취락구조개선사업 계획 및 실행 현황 51
3.1. 1978년 취락구조개선사업 계획 51
3.2. 1978년 타 지역의 취락구조개선사업 56
3.3. 1978년 제주지역의 취락구조개선사업 66
IV. 제주 1978년 취락지구개선사업의 특성 100
4.1. 제주 1978년 취락지구개선사업의 배치, 평면 분석 100
4.2. 제주 1978년 취락지구개선사업의 형태, 구조, 마감 분석 117
4.3. 제주 1978년 취락지구개선사업의 주민부담률 분석 128
V. 결 론 136
참고문헌 140
부록 143
제주대학교 산업대학원
강주영. (2021). 제주지역의 농촌주택개량사업 특성에 관한 연구
Appears in Collections:
Graduate School of Industry > Architectural Engineering
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