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한국과 몽골의 무역증대 방안에 관한 연구

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A Study on Trade expansion measures between Korea and Mongolia
Foreign trade, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges, and free
movement of information among countries around the world are the main
forces that promote globalization, a characteristic of the modern era. It can be
seen as a way to develop the global economy that countries are
strengthening more efficient and stable cooperative relations through various
methods, including more active economic ties, integrating them into global
and regional economic blocks, and establishing new forms of trade
negotiations. Therefore, with the development of globalization and economic
globalization, which are the characteristics of the 21st century, global
competition among countries around the world is intensifying. In this
unprecedented economic order, one way that developing countries can narrow
the distance from advanced economies is to improve their economic power by
strengthening regional economic links, and through this, it is possible to
correct the irrational global economic order.
Mongolia has successfully crossed the crisis period at the beginning of the
economic system transformation and has gradually shown a relatively stable
economic growth. Foreign trade and economic cooperation are continuously
increasing today. Participation in economic blockage in the world and each
region, cooperation between middle and advanced countries. Is becoming more
important, and the need for it is growing. In particular, it is necessary to
deepen into regional economic cooperation, increase foreign direct investment,
or develop Mongolia's abundant underground resources to create the basis for
industrial development. In order to develop underground resources, it is
necessary to cooperate with countries with high technology that can
efficiently develop them, taking into account the circumstances of the partner
The free trade agreement between Korea and Mongolia is centered on
relatively efficient specific products, so expanding and developing production
and trade has many advantages not only for the national economy but also
for economic cooperation. As a result of the study using the current
comparative advantage index of Balasa and the comparative advantage index
by market, most of Mongolia's exports to Korea were derived from primary
products such as mining, agriculture and livestock, and imported goods such
as automobiles, heavy construction equipment, and clothing. When trading
between the two countries starting next year, it may be desirable to expand
trade from products with a high current comparative advantage. Therefore, it
can be said that the policy to improve transportation and reduce
transportation costs between the two countries is important in the future.
From next year, it is believed that Korea can expect some tariffs to go down
on imports and exports with Mongolia and increase trade due to the effect of
price cuts. Therefore, in the case of Mongolia, it may be necessary to
actively implement a policy for developing new products to be exported in the
future and establish a product diversification strategy.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2021. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Enkh Amgalan Khaliun
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 무역학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론. 1
제1절 연구배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구방법과 논문의 구성. 3
제2장 한국과 몽골의 무역 및 투자현황 5
제1절 몽골의 무역현황 5
1. 몽골의 무역현황. 5
2. 몽골의 년도별 무역현황 7
3. 몽골의 국가별 무역현황 9
4. 몽골의 품목별 무역현황 16
제2절 한국과 몽골간의 무역현황 및 투자현황. 19
1. 한국과 몽골간의 년도별 무역현황 19
2. 한국과 몽골간의 품목별 무역현황 21
3. 한국과 몽골의 투자현황 26
제3절 선행연구 31
제3장 한국과 몽골의 무역경쟁력 비교분석. 34
제1절 경쟁력분석에 대한 이론적 고찰 34
1. 비교우위론. 34
제2절 현시비교우위(RCA)지수 36
1. 현시비교우위지수. 43
2. 실증분석. 47
제3절 시장별비교우위(MCA)지수. 49
1. 시장별우위지수. 49
2. 실증분석. 53
제4장 한국과 몽골간의 무역증대 방안 54
제1절 한국과 몽골간 무역 발전의 문제점. 54
제2절 한국과 몽골의 무역증대 방안 57
제5장 결론. 61
참고문헌. 63
제주대학교 대학원
칼리운. (2021). 한국과 몽골의 무역증대 방안에 관한 연구
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General Graduate School > International Trade
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