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한·중 반덤핑 사례에 관한 연구

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A Case Study on Anti-dumping Cases Between Korea and China
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and China, exchanges and interactions in political, economic and cultural fields have been developed more rapidly than expected, supplementing and mutually beneficial cooperation than competition and division, so the two countries have developed into a comprehensive strategic partnership, which will be maintained for a long time to come. It is worth pointing out that the economic exchanges and development between China and Korea are not confined to commodity transactions, but have developed to a level of capital, human resources and technology transfer, and the interdependence of the two economies has increased rapidly. This reflects the differences between the factors of the two countries, the appropriate differences in the economic development stage and the high degree of complementarity between the two countries' economies. However, while these positive phenomena occur, contradictions and distrust between each other are growing, and they are developing more rapidly than those between China and South Korea. The causes of the dispute are inadequate understanding of the law and regulation system, problems in trade skills, fierce competition and strong political and economic orientation of the two countries. This is a great obstacle to the expansion of normal trade and economic cooperation between China and South Korea. This will affect political relations and lead to diplomatic friction. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to study more deeply the present situation of trade dispute between China and Korea and its development direction. To this end, the reasons for the trade dispute between China and South Korea are broadly classified as the fundamental problems of trade and the trade and the trade and the trade environment. Partial research. The above details are used to analyze cases, correlate them Information on the rules and regulations of the Central Magistrates is used to examine the deep causes of trade disputes between the two countries. On the other hand, the case study of anti-dumping prosecution, which is the strongest of the trade disputes between China and Korea, analyzes its economic influence on trade and industry between the two countries. Finally, the countermeasures are put forward to minimize the trade dispute between the two countries.
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2021. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Yan, Xi Shuo
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 무역학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구방법과 논문의 구성 2
제2장 반덤핑에 관한 이론적 분석 및 선행연구 4
제1절 WTO의 반덤핑 협정 4
1. WTO의 반덤핑 4
2. WTO 반덤핑제도 운영 절차 5
제2절 반덤핑에 관한 이론적 분석 9
1. 덤핑 및 반덤핑의 정의 9
2. 반덤핑 발생원인 10
3. 반덤핑의 효과 13
제3절 선행연구의 검토 18
제3장 한중 반덤핑 제도 및 분쟁 24
제1절 한중 반덤핑 제도 24
1. 한국의 반덤핑제도 24
2. 중국의 반덤핑제도 33
3. 한중 양국의 반덤핑 제도 비교 42
제2절 한중 양국의 반덤핑 분쟁 현황 45
1. 한중 무역 현황 45
2. 한중 반덤핑 분쟁 현황 48
제4장 한중 반덤핑 사례분석 53
제1절 한국의 대(對) 중국 타일의 반덤핑 사례분석 53
1. 한국의 대(對) 중국 타일의 반덤핑 배경 53
2. 한국의 대(對) 중국 타일의 반덤핑 분쟁사례 53
3. 한국의 대(對) 중국 타일의 반덤핑 분쟁원인 55
4. 한국의 대(對) 중국 타일의 반덤핑 분쟁대책 및 시사점 56
제2절 중국의 대(對) 한국 폴리실리콘의 반덤핑 사례분석 58
1. 중국의 대(對) 한국 폴리실리콘의 반덤핑 배경 58
2. 중국의 대(對) 한국 폴리실리콘의 반덤핑 분쟁사례 59
3. 중국의 대(對) 한국 폴리실리콘의 반덤핑 분쟁원인 61
4. 중국의 대(對) 한국 폴리실리콘의 반덤핑 분쟁대책 및 시사점 61
제5장 결론 64
제1절 요약 및 결론 64
제2절 향후전망 66
참고문헌 67
Abstract 71
제주대학교 대학원
염희삭. (2021). 한·중 반덤핑 사례에 관한 연구
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General Graduate School > International Trade
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