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중국인 부동산투자이민자의 투자만족도에 대한 연구

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A Studay on Investment Satisfaction of Chinese Real Estate Investment Immigrant - Focused on Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
In order to activate the regional economy, Jeju Island officially introduced the real-estate investment immigration policy in 2010 based on foreign investment immigration policies and domestic demand. In the beginning, this immigration policy was rarely known by people, but on October 3, 2010, Jeju Island is recognized by the UNESCO Global Network of National Geoparks (GNN) as the World Geopark. In addition, With the booming of Korean culture and the increasingly improved tourism and supporting services, Jeju Island becomes increasingly popular and gradually become a place that is not a stranger to the Chinese people.
Now, the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has been widely recognized for its advantages of three crowns awarded by the UNESCO, the seven world wonders and visa-free entry policy. With the advent of the era of thousands of tourists, Jeju island is gradually becoming an international tourist city for relaxation. In addition, the increasing number of foreigners entering the Jeju Island has also brought about a surge in the real estate market. Also, because of the real estate investment immigration policy, more and more people pay attention to Jeju Island, which is widely recognized for its role in boosting the economic growth and activating the real estate market.
The foreign investment immigration system not only increases tax revenues andstimulates economic growth, but also attracts top talents by absorbing foreign capitalfrom the foreign investors who want to immigrate to here. Major overseas developed countries have actively implemented the policy of foreign investment immigration, which has played a positive role in raising financial resources in the growth structure, especially in the case of a shrinking economy or economic crisis.
According to the currentcir cumstance of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, after the implementation of the real estate investment immigration system, the gross investment of 938.3 billion won and the tax increase of more than 120 billion won were achieved soon in 2010. Some people opine that the implementation of the policy introduces a large amount of foreign capital toCheju Island, which has a positive impact on the activating economy of the region. From this point of view and based on the satisfaction of real-estate investment immigration satisfaction, the analysis of the reason for the sudden decline in real-estate investment immigration has become a necessary research topic.
The purpose of this study is to find out the status quo of the real-estate investment immigration system of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and the reasons for the sharp decline in real-estate investment immigration. By studying the history and phenomena of Chinese overseas immigration and analyzing the reasons and motives runs behind it, the study wants to find out their satisfaction with human environment, educational environment, living environment and the social regulations so as to figure out what has gone wrong, based on which we can offer immigration policy suggestions that benefit the domestic development. The system will be adopted as an effective way to activate the economy of the future Jeju Island and continue to drive economic growth in Jeju Island.
The scope of this study is the Chinese real estate investment immigrant's satisfaction with the human environment, education environment, quality of life and social regulations in Jeju Island. The composition of each chapter is as follows:
The first chapter is the introduction of this paper, describing the background and purpose and the research methods of this research.

The second chapter introduces the concept, characteristics, background and previous studies about real estate investment immigration system. Based on the overseas immigration statistics, exactly the country of destination data for Chinese immigrants, this study analyzes their purpose and the reason for investment. Based on this, we get to know the investment environment and policies of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the status quo of real estate investment immigration.
In the third chapter, based on the theoretical background of the second chapter, we designed a questionnaire survey and a research model.
In the fourth chapter, according to the survey results, we get to know the demographic characteristics of Chinese real estate investors in Jeju Island andanalyze the factors affecting their investment options, objectives and adverse factors. Besides, this study also figures out the correlation factor of real estate investment immigration satisfaction.
The fifth chapter summarizes the research results, based on which proposes some development plan and suggestions to activate the investment immigration system.
The survey result shows that the proportion of investors in their 30s is the highest and the annual income of families exceeds 100,000 US dollars is 79.5%. In terms of education, 63.2% of them have a college degree and 87.2% of those who participated in the questionnaire did not understand Korean.
Through analysis, 16 questions were matched according to the degree of relevance and were divided into 4 fields. Based on the previous research, these fields were named as human environment, education environment, quality of life and social conditions.
The four fields such as humanities environment, education environment, quality of life and social conditions relating to the investment satisfaction of Chinese real estate investment immigrants have a positive impact on their investment satisfaction. That is, the higher the investors' satisfaction with the educational environment, quality of life and social conditions, the higher the satisfaction with the late stage of life in Korean after the real estate investment immigration.
On the basis of regression analysis, the conditions that impacts on investment immigration satisfaction should be in the order of the education environment, humanities environment, quality of life and social conditions.
Based on the rapid decline of investment immigration, this study specifically targets Chinese investors who immigrate to Jeju Island through real estate investment immigration system and explores the factors taken into consideration by real estate investment immigrants in investment immigration and what is the relationship between the satisfaction of each factor. In addition, based on the needs of China investment immigrants, this study explores to improve and supplement the real estate investment immigration system.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2019. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Wang, Chang Yang
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 관광개발학전공
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1

제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 4
제2장 이론적 배경 8

제1절 부동산투자이민제의 이해 8
1. 부동산투자이민제의 개념 8
2. 부동산투자이민제의 도입배경 11
3. 선행연구 14
제2절 중국인 해외투자이민 현황 17
1. 중국인 이민의 배경 17
2. 중국인 이민선택요인 및 기대사항 22
제3절 제주특별자치도의 특성 및 현황 26
1. 제주특별자치도 투자 환경 및 정책 26
2. 제주특별자치도 부동산투자이민 현황 30

제3장. 연구설계 37

제1절 연구대상지 현황 37
제2절 조사설계 38
1. 조사방법 및 설문지 구성 38
2. 연구모형 및 가설 설정 41
제4장. 실증분석 결과 44
제1절 조사표본의 특성 44
1. 인구통계학적 특성 44
제2절 자료분석 46
1. 분야별 만족도 결과 분석 46
2. 신뢰도 및 타당성 검증 52
3. 부동산투자이민의 만족도에 영향 미친 탐색적 요인분석 56
4. 한국 부동산투자이민 만족도에 영향요인 상관성 분석 60
5. 한국 부동산투자이민 만족도와 영향요인의 회귀분석 63
6. 인구학적 특성과 부동산 투자이민 만족도 차이성 분석 65
7. 투자이민자 의견 몇 문제점 제기 71

제5장. 결론 77

제1절 연구결과 및 시사점 77
제2절 연구의 한계 및 제언 84
참고문헌 85
부록 87
제주대학교 대학원
왕장양. (2019). 중국인 부동산투자이민자의 투자만족도에 대한 연구
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Faculty of Data Science for Sustainable Growth > Tourism Development
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