독립형 마이크로그리드 설계를 위한 추자도 전력품질 분석
- Alternative Title
- Power Quality Analysis of Chujado Island for Stand-alone Microgrid Design
- Abstract
- Global warming is certainly a pressing concern for the human society. The issue is now increasingly being reflected in environmental policies from a number of countries. South Korea is also responding rapidly by initiating the 3020 policy on renewable energy. Accordingly, each plant is required to use renewable energy to reduce carbon dioxide emission. One of the renewable energy supply method is the island unit stand-alone microgrid. In order to operate a stand-alone microgrid safely, it is essential to investigate the power quality and local environment. In this paper, the power quality of Chujado Island was investigated. DEWE-571-PNA-200K power quality analyzer was used, and DEWESOFT was used to store and process data. The collected data was compiled and analyzed using MATLAB program. First, The load average for days of the year was analyzed, and described as graphs. Next, case 1 to case 3 were analyzed for the duration of the Gulbi festival during usual times and operating of the ice-making plant. Finally, it is necessary to design the stand-alone microgrid in consideration of stabilizing frequency, reducing the starting current of motor and compensating the reactive power.
- Author(s)
- 김용균
- Issued Date
- 2019
- Awarded Date
- 2019. 8
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/common/orgView/000000009174
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Yong Gyun
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 산업대학원
- Department
- 산업대학원 전기공학과
- Advisor
- Kim, Eel Hwan
- Table Of Contents
- 그림 목차 iii
표 목차 v
. 서 론 1
2. 추자도 계통 현황 2
2.1 추자도 전력계통 설비. 2
2.2 전력품질분석기 설치 및 측정 절차. 4
2.3 추자도 요일별 부하 패턴 8
3. 추자도 전력품질 분석 13
3.1 사례 1 : 평시 13
3.2 사례 2 : 제빙공장 가동 시 17
3.3 사례 3 : 참굴비축제 기간. 21
3.4 결과 고찰. 26
4. 결 론 27
참고문헌 28
감사의 글. 30
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 산업대학원
- Citation
- 김용균. (2019). 독립형 마이크로그리드 설계를 위한 추자도 전력품질 분석
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